Monday, October 24, 2011

Momma's Got a Brand New Blog

Oh love/hate relationship with you has begun again. I have no clue how I will keep up with this, considering I have no internet at home and my computer spontanously hates Tom's free work internet, but I will try and I will try a lot- and those are the only promises I can make. Well maybe not the only ones...

Dear Blog, I promise to try to post to you in good times and in bad; to not to post lies or half-truths, unless I'm protecting the names of the innocent or my husband's privacy (the rest of you have no privacy on here #Imkiddingbutimnotkidding); to try to make it interesting; to be vaguely relevant and intelligent; and to use God's gifts to the best of my ability.

However, dear Blog, I also provide you a preblogial agreement, that states in part, that I have the right to use my personal life and other people's behavior to me as material for this blog, even when other people wish I wouldn't (although this will be tempered with a large dose of prudence, and hopefully a great deal of respect). I also have the right to discuss issues that some people might consider objectionable, too personal, bigoted (i.e. what Catholics believe, since apparently our belief structure is now a hate crime #soapbox), and to use hashtags as if this were twitter because now I'm addicted to them as a literary structure. #dontjudge

With all of those little issues out of the way, I proudly take you to be my Blog, for as long as my time constraints and internet access allows.  In the name of Blogger, Gmail, and Smartphones, Amen.

1 comment:

Comments make me feel like I'm not just talking to myself or the government (because I know the government secretly reads my blog). Help me feel less crazy - comment away!